Our portfolio includes a number of tenant spaces for private and government sectors and select renovations and equipment replacements for Class A office buildings
Tenant Work Greater than 100,000 sqft
National Labor Relations Board: 150,000 sqft
DC Board of Elections and Department of General Services: 165,000 sqft
National Institutes of Health: 100,000 sqft
Tenant Work Less than 100,000 sqft
Hudson Institute: 25,000 sqft
Financial Services Institute: 25,000 sqft
Public Services Commission: 35,000 sqft
USAC: 50,000 sqft
Government Tenant Work
GSA: 150,000 sqft for National Labor Relations Board
GSA: 35,000 sqft for Public Services Commission
GSA: 100,000 sqft for National Institutes of Health
Renovations and Equipment Replacements
801 Market Square Conference Center
801 Market Square Roof Deck
555 Eye St Cooling Tower Replacement
1201 Pennsylvania HVAC upgrades
Alexander Court Spec Suites
Flour Mill Boiler Replacement

Conference Center

Conference Center